The Gout Clinic Team
Melia Matuz Velasquez
Sra. Matuz started working with us during 2011.
Besides working in our pharmaceutical department as our lead technician, she is a well trained and experienced licensed acupuncturist.
At Tlahui - Universidad Autónoma del Estado Morelos, she graduated as Diplomado de Medicina Tradicional and Diplomado de Acupuntura, No. de Registro oficial: 17DEX11307.
Dr ir Wilfried Van Moorleghem
Founder and CEO.
Studied at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, obtained a Master of Science in Engineering degree (Burgerlijk Ingenieur) and a Ph.D. in Solid State Physics.
At Tlahui - Universidad Autónoma del Estado Morelos, he graduated as Diplomado de Medicina Tradicional, and Diplomado de Acupuntura, No. de Registro oficial: 17DEX11307.
He is certified in the USA for more than 20 different medical specialties.
In the year 2000, he became an honorable member of the Academy of Science.
Since 2006, after founding Macmed SA de CV, he was active researching gout, uric acid, and possible gout cures.
As a gout sufferer for more than 12 years, and due to a lack of available curing programs, he was strongly motivated to cure himself.
Before 2006, he was involved in the research, development, and production of medical devices such as Stents (heart & peripheral), Arterial Cutting Balloons, Arterial Filters, Orthodontic and Endodontic devices, Nerve Stimulators and Orthopaedic Implants.
Dr. Roberto Sahuri Dimayuga, ND
Dr. Sahuri graduated as a doctor at the Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo and specialized in Traditional Mexican Medicine.
He is a recognized Medico Naturista, in the state of Guerrero, also abroad, especially in Canada, he did build up a good reputation tackling:
Chronic diseases, gout, vertebrae issues, nervous system conditions and much more.
At The Gout Clinic, we are very pleased dr. Sahuri came on board as a partner during the beginning of 2016.
His hobby is Natural (Mayan - Aztec) Temazcal cures, which are a treat from heaven. Dr. Roberto also will guide you through simple but efficient yoga exercises, and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT).
Dr. Jesica Chavez Diaz, MD
Dr. Chavez studied in the city of Oaxaca at the Medical Faculty of La Universidad Regional del Sureste and graduated as "Médico Cirujano” Ced Prof 08783013.
Dr. Jesica did join us during the summer of 2016.
At the Gout Clinic, dr. Chavez serves as our "Responsable Sanitario."
Besides speaking Spanish,
Dr. Jesica is fluent in English and French.
All patients enjoy working with her.
Master Byron Miller
Yoga Master Byron is a certified expert in Ashtanga, QiGong, Meditation and therapeutic deep tissue massage including Shiatsu & Hawaiian Lomi Lomi.
He has his own company in California, CalYoga, with teaching activities in Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree.
We are very pleased that Master Byron was willing to join our team, he brings in a lot of knowledge and experience.
As a result, your healing process at The Gout Clinic will become more efficient.
Besides the treatments mentioned above, Master Byron is also involved in our aquatic exercises.
Byron did join us during 2017.
Maria Hortensia Goshe, Naturopath
Studied at the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo under the famous Prof dr. Erick Estrada, "inventor," of the for us important, Hierba del Sapo.
She obtained the degrees:
Diplomat en Tècniques de Massatges Terapèuticas
Diplomat en Iridologia
Diplomat en Acupuntura
Diplomat en Manejo de Emociones
In Mexico City, she learned lymphatic drainage techniques from the Chinese maestro Chung Chung Helianling.
She has many years of experience concerning local Mexican medicinal herbs.
Hortensia started to work with us during 2015.
When gout strikes, Maria Hortensia is your guardian angel.
Ing Luis Chin
Ing. Chin graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Bio-Medical Engineering.
Before becoming a partner in The Gout Clinic during 2015, he was Latin American Manager for Medlog GMBH and Criticare Systems Inc.
At The Gout Clinic, his interest goes to optimize manufacturing processes and to grow our pharmaceutical
department, including obtaining ISO environmental certificates (ISO 14000 family).
Besides his medical activities, Ing. Chin is involved in the private financing of micro-credits in Third World countries.
Mtro. Edgar Meixueiro
Maestro Meixueiro graduated at Centro Integral de Terapias Alternativas Tonal Tlalli (CITATT) in Mexico City.
He graduated as;
Maestro en Fisioterapeuta
He has his own chiropractic consulting practice in Puerto Escondido.
At The Gout Clinic, he will diagnose and treat your
mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, we believe that these disorders affect general health, and more importantly your gout condition, via the nervous system.
Maestro Meixueiro, as a licensed acupuncturist, may also be involved in your acupuncture treatments, as well as lymphatic drainage.
Jose Luis Rodriguez Hernandez
Sr. Rodriguez started to work for The Gout Clinic in July 2010.
Jose Luis is a licensed accountant and responsible for the accountancy
of Macmed SA de CV.